Certified Registered Dietitian
150+ clients served
4.9 Rating

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Certified Registered Dietitian
320+ clients served
4.9 Rating
Certified Registered Dietitian
320+ clients served
4.9 Rating
Certified Registered Dietitian
150+ clients served
4.9 Rating
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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
B.S. from Eastern Michigan University
Areas of Expertise
Gut Health
Celiac Disease
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
Overall Health & Wellness
Weight Management
Autoimmune Disease
Gut Health
About Me

After building an allergy-friendly bakery business from the ground up over many years, I was inspired to become a dietitian. I now work as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a B.S. in Dietetics and two credentials: Integrative and Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFNCP) and Certified Gastrointestinal Nutritionist (CGN). I specialize in working with clients who have Gastrointestinal Disorders and/or Chronic Inflammation. I am able to connect and relate to clients on a deeper level due to personal experience with Celiac Disease, SIBO, IBS, Asthma, Autoimmune Disease, and Chronic Inflammation.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
B.S. in Chemistry from Siena College
Areas of Expertise
Weight Management
Bariatric Surgery
Athletic Performance/Sports
Weight Management
Heart Health
Sports & Athletic Performance
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian with over 5 years of counseling experience. I have a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics, and specialize in working with clients who need support with weight management, body composition, diabetes/pre-diabetes/gestational diabetes, and heart health. Being an previous division 1 athlete and current ultra-marathoner, I strive to understand the effects that food and proper nourishment have on our well-being and health through evidence based practices.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Areas of Expertise
Weight Management
Heart Health (Cholesterol)
Weight Management
Heart Health
Disordered Eating
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master's degree in nutrition and over 5 years of counseling experience. I specialize in working with clients who have struggled with weight management, being stuck in the diet cycle with disordered eating, and those looking to improve their relationship with nutrition and reach their health goals. Ironically, it was my disordered relationship with food and my body that got me into the dietetics field. A journey of 2 degrees in nutrition allowed me to heal my relationship with food and understand HOW my body works! I firmly believe it should not be that complicated- but the hundreds of messages our culture presents surrounding weight, dieting, nutrition, wellness, good vs bad, intuitive eating leaves most of us overwhelmed and our brains fried.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
B.S. in Dietetics from University of Connecticut
Areas of Expertise
Weight Loss
Weight Gain
Autoimmune (IBD Crohns/ U.C.)
Overall Health & Wellness
Weight Management
Autoimmune Disease
Gut Health
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist with over 9 years of nutrition counseling experience. I received my Bachelors degree in Dietetics from the University of Connecticut and am currently pursing a board certification in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. I specialize in the nutritional management of gastrointestinal diseases and conditions, as well as general heathy eating, and weight management. I support my clients by combining the best evidenced-based practices that both functional medicine and traditional medicine have to offer.  Personally, I have a deep understanding of what my clients experience and sincere passion for finding them find relief, as I struggled for several years with my own gut health issues (GERD, ulcers, IBS, H. Pylor, SIBO, and more!). If you're in need of FODMAP guidance and support, I am here to help as well.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
B.S. in Nutrition from Bastyr University
Areas of Expertise
Weight Management
Bariatric Surgery
Overall Health & Wellness
Weight Management
Heart Health
Autoimmune Disease
Gut Health
Liver Health
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 11 years of counseling and clinical experience. I have a Bachelors and Masters of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University focusing on holistic and functional nutrition. I specialize in working with clients who struggle with complex GI issues, weight management and autoimmune conditions. Personally, I was undiagnosed with celiac disease for years, which left me with food sensitivities, an impaired gut, and nutritional deficiencies. It wasn't until I worked with a team to improve my gut health, remove allergens, and get back to feeling 100% again.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
B.S. in Medical Dietetics from The Ohio State University (OSU)
Areas of Expertise
Weight Management
Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating
Intuitive Eating
Overall Health & Wellness
Weight Management
Heart Health
Disordered Eating
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist with over 30 years of counseling experience. I have a BS degree in Medical Dietetics from The Ohio State University. I specialize in working with clients who have eating disorders, disordered eating, weight management goals using mindful and intuitive eating techniques, heart health and prediabetes concerns. I also work with folks in the LGBTQI+ and trans communities, folks looking to follow a more Mediterranean and anti-inflammatory or plant-based diet. Personally, having a mom who was a chronic dieter and then overcoming anorexia in my late teens/early 20s, I have compassion and understanding for struggles to attain a happy and healthy relationship with food and your body.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
Master of Public Health in Nutrition from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Areas of Expertise
Food Allergies
Weight Management
Sports & Athletic Performance
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 15 years of nutrition counseling experience with kids and families. Personally, I have loved food my whole life and found myself obsessed with nutrition at a young age. I also have an autoimmune condition that was diagnosed in my 20's. At the time, I was already been working towards becoming a dietitian and I developed a deeper interest and love of nutrition through this period in my life. I then received a Masters of Public Health in Nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and had special training in pediatrics. I specialize in helping families with starting solids, picky eating, weight management, gut health, food allergies, high cholesterol, and pre-diabetes. To date, I have helped numerous families and kids address their individual nutrition concerns and reach their unique health goals.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
Master's Degree in Human Nutrition University of Alabama
Areas of Expertise
Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families
Chronic Disease
Weight Loss
Overall Health & Wellness
Weight Management
Women's Health
Aging Adults
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Board Certified Specialist in Weight Management (CSOWM) with over 10 years counseling experience. I have a Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Nutrition. Personally, I have always struggled with my weight and body image. I became a dietitian because I wanted to help people who have similar struggles get to a place where they set and meet realistic goals, feel healthy and good about themselves. I have also (casually for fun) run 11 half marathons. I specialize in helping clients with chronic diseases, weight management, and overall health by creating individual nutrition plans and goals for long term success.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
B.S in Nutrition and Dietetics from Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Areas of Expertise
Weight Loss
Weight Gain
Health and Wellness
Weight Management
About Me

I am a bilingual Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 11 years of nutrition counseling experience. I also became a Zumba instructor in 2018, which allowed me to focus on my physical and mental health, in addition to incorporating the knowledge I already knew about nutrition, to reach my weight loss goals. I now help other individuals achieve their nutrition goals through behavior coaching, specializing in weight loss, Typ2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and overall wellbeing. I understand that everyone is unique and has different needs when it comes to their health and wellness. People have a deep appreciation for food, and it often plays a central role in gatherings and daily life. By teaching you how to thoughtfully assemble meals that align with your health goals, we can make nutrition an integral and enjoyable part of your life, rather than imposing restrictions.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
B.S in Nutrition and Dietetics from Simmons University (Boston)
Areas of Expertise
Weight Management
Bariatric Surgery
Diabetes (Pre, Type 1, Insulin-Dependent)
Weight Management
Heart Health
Women's Health
Liver Health
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over ten years of counseling experience. Behind every career choice, there is a source of inspiration. For me, it was my incredible mother, a retired dietitian. Growing up under her guidance, I knew I wanted to follow in her footsteps and bridge the gap between science and healthy eating habits. I have a Master's degree in Nutrition and Public Health from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Simmons University in Boston. My specialty includes working with clients to help them achieve their weight loss goals, clients with chronic conditions, and those looking to improve their well-being through nutrition counseling.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
Master of Science (MS) in Nutrition and Health Promotion (Simmons University)
Areas of Expertise
Weight management
Overall Health and Wellness
Sports Nutrition
Overall Health & Wellness
Weight Management
Women's Health
Aging Adults
Sports & Athletic Performance
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master's degree in Nutrition and Health Promotion, and over 13 years of nutrition counseling experience. I also hold a Certificate in Personal Training from ACSM. Personally, I have always valued maintaining an active lifestyle - fun fact, I was inducted into the Stonehill College Althletic Hall of Fame for Basketball. As a dietitian, my specialties include working with clients who are looking for lifestyle changes to lose weight, support an active lifestyle, and maintain overall health and wellness.

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Certified Registered Dietitian
Serves clients everywhere
M.S. Nutrition and Exercise Physiology from Teachers College, Columbia University
Areas of Expertise
Weight Management
Bariatric Surgery
Athletic Performance/Sports
Weight Management
Sports & Athletic Performance
About Me

I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 4 years of counseling experience in the fields of weight management and sports nutrition. I switched careers to become a dietitian out of a desire to feel like I was making a measurable difference in peoples lives and making the world a better place; something I never felt like I was doing working in a corporate environment after undergrad. I have a Master of Science in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology from Columbia University in New York City. Personally, I'm also an accomplished endurance athlete, having completed an array of races from 10 milers, half marathons, marathons (4x top 10% finisher of Boston Marathon, NY Marathon, Philly Marathon), Iron Man 70.3 (Maine, Atlantic City) and Iron Man (Maryland). I specialize in working with clients to use the synergy between food and physical activity to optimize their health and performance.

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Get the right nutrition expertise

Top Nutrition Coaching has an extensive network of world-class registered dietitians who are ready to support you in reaching your health goals. No matter what unique challenges you face, we’ll match you with the best dietitian with the right expertise to help you thrive.
Stress & Sleep
Understanding the intricate relationship between sleep, stress, and weight is crucial for effective weight management, and seeking the expertise of a nutritionist or dietitian specializing in weight loss can be highly beneficial. Inadequate sleep and chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to increased levels of cortisol—a stress hormone associated with weight gain. A specialized nutritionist can assess an individual's sleep patterns, stress levels, and overall lifestyle to create a personalized dietary plan that supports quality sleep and stress management.
Behavioral Psychology
The role of behavioral psychology in weight loss is paramount, as it influences habits, food choices, and overall adherence to dietary plans. Seeking the guidance of a nutritionist or dietitian who specializes in weight loss and behavioral techniques can be immensely beneficial. These professionals integrate psychological insights into their approach, helping individuals identify and address emotional triggers, stress-related eating patterns, and other behavioral factors that impact weight. A specialized nutritionist can collaborate with clients to set realistic goals, develop sustainable habits, and cultivate a positive relationship with food.
Lifestyle Mapping
Lifestyle mapping, as an approach to weight loss, involves a thorough examination of an individual's daily routines, habits, and environmental factors to create a personalized plan that aligns with their unique lifestyle. Collaborating with a nutritionist or dietitian experienced in this approach proves invaluable for those aiming to lose weight. A nutritionist can identify potential obstacles to healthy eating and physical activity by analyzing an individual's work schedule, social commitments, and personal preferences.
Personalized Goals
Personalized goals provide clear direction, making the weight loss journey more manageable and realistic. A nutritionist can assess an individual's unique dietary requirements, lifestyle factors, and any underlying health conditions, crafting a plan that is both effective and sustainable. This personalized approach maximizes adherence, motivation, and overall success in achieving weight loss goals, emphasizing the importance of individualized care in the pursuit of a healthier and happier life.
Metabolic Health
Understanding metabolic health is pivotal for effective weight management, and enlisting the guidance of a nutritionist or dietitian can be instrumental in unraveling the complexities of one's metabolism. A specialist in metabolic health can assess individual metabolic rates, hormonal balance, and nutrient utilization, providing valuable insights into how the body processes and stores energy. By tailoring dietary plans to align with the unique aspects of one's metabolism, the nutritionist can optimize nutrient intake, meal timing, and food choices to enhance metabolic efficiency.
Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalance can significantly impact an individual's ability to lose weight, influencing factors such as metabolism, appetite, and fat storage. Hormones such as insulin, cortisol, and thyroid hormones play key roles in regulating weight, and an imbalance can lead to stubborn weight gain or hinder weight loss efforts. Working with a nutritionist or dietitian who specializes in hormonal health can help with mitigating these challenges by designing a personalized dietary plan to address your unique needs and potential imbalances.
Long Term Support
While short-term interventions may yield initial results, sustained success often requires ongoing guidance and adjustments to address evolving needs and challenges. A nutritionist can provide consistent support, helping individuals navigate dietary changes, overcome obstacles, and maintain motivation over an extended period. Through regular check-ins, dietary assessments, and personalized adjustments, a nutrition expert can tailor strategies to the individual's evolving lifestyle and preferences.
Much More!
Effectively managing your weight involves navigating through numerous factors such as metabolism, hormonal balance, dietary preferences, and lifestyle habits. A weight loss nutritionist understands the intricacies of metabolism, hormonal influences, and the psychological aspects of eating, and can provide targeted guidance on nutrition, portion control, and behavior modification. Collaborating with a weight loss nutritionist or dietitian sets individuals up for success by providing a roadmap that addresses the diverse elements influencing their ability to manage weight effectively.
of our patient lose weight successfully

How to get started

Discover the difference in working with a dietitian that is handpicked to match your needs. At Top Nutrition Coaching our experts focus on addressing the root cause of your health challenges, and our process ensures that you’re supported every step of the way.

Take our holistic health assessment

Take our holistic health assessment so we can begin to learn about you and your goals.

Lifestyle & health history

Have you ever worked with a registered dietitian before?
Step 2

Get matched to the right expert for you.

We connect you to a nutrition specialist that will talk through your unique challenges and goals, so we can guarantee you the right match.
An image of Top Nutrition Coaching nutritionist, Nicolette

Nicolette M.

Registered Dietitian, Weight Loss

Get started
with counseling

You and your nutritionist will determine the right plan for you, personalized around your lifestyle, health needs, and goals.

Take our holistic health assessment

Take our holistic health assessment so we can begin to learn about you and your goals.

Lifestyle & health history

Have you ever worked with a registered dietitian before?

Get matched to the right expert for you

We connect you to a nutrition specialist that will talk through your unique challenges and goals, so we can guarantee you the right match.
An image of Top Nutrition Coaching nutritionist, Nicolette

Nicolette M.

An image of a tick icon
Registered Dietitian, Weight Loss

Get started
with counseling

You and your nutritionist will determine the right plan for you, personalized around your lifestyle, health needs, and goals.

How we reach your goals

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How we reach your goals

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How we reach your goals

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How we reach your goals

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How we reach your goals

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Free matching service that finds you the right dietitian
Unlock personalized health solutions in Los Angeles with our specialist matchmakers. Using a free 15-minute consultation, they find the perfect nutrition expert that aligns with your unique goals and requirements.
12 virtual consultations with your expert
Connect virtually with your nutritionist to discuss your custom plan and approach. Together, you'll meet regularly to check if the plan is working as intended, adjust as needed, and ensure you hit your goals.
Personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans
We handle each client on a case-by-case basis, developing a custom-built program designed to help you reach your unique goals.
Unlimited messaging and support
Connect virtually with your nutritionist to discuss your custom plan and approach. Together, you'll meet regularly to check if the plan is working as intended, adjust as needed, and ensure you hit your goals.
Access to diagnostic testing to identify root causes
We offer genetic, microbiome, and blood testing in order to provide even more personalized and precise recommendations.
Find your dietitian
Start your 2 week FREE TRIAL now!

How we reach your goals

Find your dietitian
Start your 2 week RISK FREE trial now!
Free matching service to find you the right dietitian
Unlock personalized registered dietitian nutrition coaching with our matching specialists. In a free 15 minute consultation, they will find the perfect expert to guide you in achieving your goals.
Virtual consultations with your expert
Connect virtually with your nutritionist to discuss your custom plan and approach. Together, you'll meet regularly to check if the plan is working as intended, adjust as needed, and ensure you hit your goals.
Personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans
We handle each client on a case-by-case basis, developing a custom-built program designed to help you reach your unique goals.
Unlimited messaging and support
Connect virtually with your nutritionist to discuss your custom plan and approach. Together, you'll meet regularly to check if the plan is working as intended, adjust as needed, and ensure you hit your goals.
Diagnostic testing to identify root causes
We offer genetic, microbiome, and blood testing in order to provide even more personalized and precise recommendations.
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We change peoples lives

  • Elisha S.
    Overall Health
  • Tami P.
    Weight Loss
    An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
  • James T.
    Kidney Disease
    An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
“Positive, encouraging, knowledgeable, great ideas to help make the changes I needed”
Megan was one of the key reasons why I was able to get better. I value all that she did for in order to see positive change in my life and would recommend her to anyone struggling with restrictions, food relationship issues or digestive issues.
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Taylor has made this experience a meaningful and valuable journey. Understanding how food works and how to make food work for your health has been eye-opening and allows me to take control of my weight which has often felt like an uncontrollable event. Taylor has empowered me to be the best version of me!
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Mariam is awesome! I was struggling with symptoms of GERD and bloating on a daily basis. She took a holistic approach in helping my identify the root cause of the issues. Overall my experience was wonderful. The best part is I believe Miriam set me up to be successful for the long-term.
I was quite skeptical. What could a 63 year old retired professor learn about herself that she didn’t already know? Turns out, a hell of a lot. I have made significant life-long changes to how I approach wellness. This change is absolutely due to Taylor and I am eternally grateful for her wisdom, knowledge, and incredibly thoughtful care.
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Working with Kayla has boosted not only my confidence in my ability to lower my A1C but also my determination to do it. I look forward to my sessions with her because I know I'll be affirmed and supported in this journey to a new, healthier lifestyle.
Cannot explain how much Mariam changed my LIFE! She is empathetic, knowledgeable, and versatile. Regardless of why you may be looking for a dietician - Mariam is equipped to create a plan just for you. Don't know where I would be without her!
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
I cannot believe the progress I've been able to make over the last 6 months, and it begins and ends with working with Karin. This journey is just beginning, however I have experienced so much relief being able to live my life without being fully consumed about my eating habits and my weight.
Jessie has been an amazing dietitian. She is so knowledgeable and is able to breakdown the information so it’s easier for me to understand. I also love how she personalizes my diet plan so it works with my lifestyle, taste and most importantly I am able to apply this long term. It’s also very comforting to know Jessie is literally a text away. She’s the best!
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Eleni is such a joy to work with! She is always so encouraging and kind! I started nutrition coaching to manage my PCOS, and I’ve already experienced a reduction in symptoms. I’m less bloated, my cravings have lessened, and my cycle is more regular! I am so grateful for Eleni’s support and guidance!
  • Megan was one of the key reasons why I was able to get better. I value all that she did for in order to see positive change in my life and would recommend her to anyone struggling with restrictions, food relationship issues or digestive issues.
    An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
  • Taylor has made this experience a meaningful and valuable journey. Understanding how food works and how to make food work for your health has been eye-opening and allows me to take control of my weight which has often felt like an uncontrollable event. Taylor has empowered me to be the best version of me!
    An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
  • Mariam is awesome! I was struggling with symptoms of GERD and bloating on a daily basis. She took a holistic approach in helping my identify the root cause of the issues. Overall my experience was wonderful. The best part is I believe Miriam set me up to be successful for the long-term.
  • I was quite skeptical. What could a 63 year old retired professor learn about herself that she didn’t already know? Turns out, a hell of a lot. I have made significant life-long changes to how I approach wellness. This change is absolutely due to Taylor and I am eternally grateful for her wisdom, knowledge, and incredibly thoughtful care.
    JILL N.
    An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
  • Working with Kayla has boosted not only my confidence in my ability to lower my A1C but also my determination to do it. I look forward to my sessions with her because I know I'll be affirmed and supported in this journey to a new, healthier lifestyle.
  • Cannot explain how much Mariam changed my LIFE! She is empathetic, knowledgeable, and versatile. Regardless of why you may be looking for a dietician - Mariam is equipped to create a plan just for you. Don't know where I would be without her!
    SARAH L.
    An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
  • I cannot believe the progress I've been able to make over the last 6 months, and it begins and ends with working with Karin. This journey is just beginning, however I have experienced so much relief being able to live my life without being fully consumed about my eating habits and my weight.
  • Jessie has been an amazing dietitian. She is so knowledgeable and is able to breakdown the information so it’s easier for me to understand. I also love how she personalizes my diet plan so it works with my lifestyle, taste and most importantly I am able to apply this long term. It’s also very comforting to know Jessie is literally a text away. She’s the best!
    An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
  • Eleni is such a joy to work with! She is always so encouraging and kind! I started nutrition coaching to manage my PCOS, and I’ve already experienced a reduction in symptoms. I’m less bloated, my cravings have lessened, and my cycle is more regular! I am so grateful for Eleni’s support and guidance!
Megan was one of the key reasons why I was able to get better. I value all that she did for in order to see positive change in my life and would recommend her to anyone struggling with restrictions, food relationship issues or digestive issues.
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Taylor has made this experience a meaningful and valuable journey. Understanding how food works and how to make food work for your health has been eye-opening and allows me to take control of my weight which has often felt like an uncontrollable event. Taylor has empowered me to be the best version of me!
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Mariam is awesome! I was struggling with symptoms of GERD and bloating on a daily basis. She took a holistic approach in helping my identify the root cause of the issues. Overall my experience was wonderful. The best part is I believe Miriam set me up to be successful for the long-term.
I was quite skeptical. What could a 63 year old retired professor learn about herself that she didn’t already know? Turns out, a hell of a lot. I have made significant life-long changes to how I approach wellness. This change is absolutely due to Taylor and I am eternally grateful for her wisdom, knowledge, and incredibly thoughtful care.
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Working with Kayla has boosted not only my confidence in my ability to lower my A1C but also my determination to do it. I look forward to my sessions with her because I know I'll be affirmed and supported in this journey to a new, healthier lifestyle.
Cannot explain how much Mariam changed my LIFE! She is empathetic, knowledgeable, and versatile. Regardless of why you may be looking for a dietician - Mariam is equipped to create a plan just for you. Don't know where I would be without her!
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
I cannot believe the progress I've been able to make over the last 6 months, and it begins and ends with working with Karin. This journey is just beginning, however I have experienced so much relief being able to live my life without being fully consumed about my eating habits and my weight.
Jessie has been an amazing dietitian. She is so knowledgeable and is able to breakdown the information so it’s easier for me to understand. I also love how she personalizes my diet plan so it works with my lifestyle, taste and most importantly I am able to apply this long term. It’s also very comforting to know Jessie is literally a text away. She’s the best!
An image of an icon of the rating of 5 stars.
Eleni is such a joy to work with! She is always so encouraging and kind! I started nutrition coaching to manage my PCOS, and I’ve already experienced a reduction in symptoms. I’m less bloated, my cravings have lessened, and my cycle is more regular! I am so grateful for Eleni’s support and guidance!

Our client outcomes

Reduced severity & frequency of IBS symptoms
Sustained target weight for longer than 12 months
Improved symptoms of kidney disease
Drastically Improved symptoms of diabetes

Frequently asked questions

What makes an expert registered dietitian nutritionist?

An expert dietitian nutritionist will have an advanced degree, have completed a certain number of hours of supervised experience and required dietetics coursework, and have passed a board-certifying exam. All highly qualified nutritionists will have the letters “RD,” “RDN,” or “CNS” in their titles.

How much does the service cost?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the cost of working with a registered dietitian nutritionist will vary depending on the individual's qualifications, experience, and location. However, on average, dietitians charge between $50 and $100 per hour for their services.

What does a two-week risk-free trial mean?

A two-week risk-free trial is a period during which a client can use a service without having to pay for it. If the customer is not satisfied with the service, they can cancel their subscription or contract within two weeks and not be charged.

What does the matching specialist help you with?

Most customers have certain criteria or prerequisites that they want the nutritionist to possess. Detailing what these criteria are will help a matching specialist connect you with the most compatible nutritionist for you.

What if I don’t like the recommendations a matching specialist provides?

If you don’t like the nutritionist that the matching specialist connects you with, be vocal about it. Speak up about the things that you like and don’t like about the current nutritionist you are working with. This information will allow the matching specialist to connect you with a more compatible nutritionist for you.

What’s the difference between a registered nutritionist and a registered dietitian?

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, registered dietitian nutritionists are the most educated and thoroughly-vetted nutrition experts available. Specifically, an RDN certification is the only nationally-held standard that a person can achieve.

Are registered dietitians covered by health insurance?

An increasing number of health insurance companies are providing coverage for nutrition counseling and therapy. Check with your provider or review your policy to see which services and providers are included in your network. This is the best way to receive affordable nutrition counseling.
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What is a registered dietitian nutritionist?

A registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) is a food and nutrition expert. Every RDN has completed certain requirements and nutrition programs to earn their title. Every RDN has earned a bachelor’s degree with coursework approved by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND).

After receiving their degree, every RDN in training completes a certain number of hours of supervised expertise, typically at health care facilities, community agencies, residential care facilities, or food service corporations. Finally, an RDN must pass a national registration examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.

Benefits of working with a registered dietitian nutritionist

Regardless of why you are seeking out an RDN, there are many ways that you will benefit from working with this healthcare professional.

Work Through Obstacles

When it comes to health, everyone has their own unique set of challenges. When you are too close to the problem, it can be difficult identifying where you need help and what strategies you can utilize to reach your goals.
A nutritionist serves as an outside expert who can help you recognize what is helping you reach your goals and what isn’t. It’s normal to face setbacks and obstacles when you are working towards your goals. Oftentimes, all you need is some professional guidance and a tailor-made health plan.


We all have days when meeting our goals and sticking to our action steps feels more challenging than others. Having someone else by your side to hold you accountable for your goals can be a great motivator.
For instance, if you have an upcoming session with a nutritionist in the books, you will feel more compelled to make smart, healthy decisions that you can later share with your RDN. An RDN will also constantly remind you of why you are working so hard to achieve your goals. Whenever you are drowning in exercise routines or careful meal planning, you will never lose sight of what you are working towards.

Emotional Support

Food is a very central aspect of everyone’s life, and it is something that many people have strong feelings about, whether they are happy, sad, or angry associations.
As you get into replacing old habits with new ones and transforming key aspects of your feelings, emotions are likely to arise. Whatever these emotions may be, it can be beneficial to talk about them with family members, friends, and a trusted healthcare professional. Sharing your challenges will allow your RDN to help you navigate these hurdles and keep you from falling back into bad habits.

What to look for in a registered dietitian

When searching for a registered dietitian, you want to be looking for the best dietitian for you. Here are some of the most important factors to consider during your search.


Before anything else, you want to ensure that the dietitian you work with is highly qualified and legitimate.While anyone can claim to be a ‘nutritionist’ or health influencer online, it's easy to recognize which healthcare professionals are registered dietitians and which ones are not. All you need to do is look at a dietitian's title. Dietitians can be identified by the letters "RD" (registered dietitian) or "RDN" (registered dietitian nutritionist) after their names.

Customer Service

Whether you are going through a medical emergency or have a health question that you need an answer to, your registered dietitian needs to be a strong communicator. As a vital member of your healthcare team, your RD should be able to respond to your phone calls, emails, and texts promptly. Beyond just accessibility, an empathetic disposition and supportive nature is also important . Good nutrition is a lifelong process that can have great benefits but it can also be a sensitive topic. Find someone who has great bedside manners.


While some registered dietitians provide general nutritional advice, many have a specific area of expertise. For instance, some registered dietitians specialize in helping those with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or renal failure, while others specialize in prenatal and postpartum nutrition. If you are seeking a registered dietitian to help you lose weight, make sure to find a registered dietitian who either specializes in weight management or perhaps has experience with disordered eating. There is a specialist for your specific needs.

Working Style

Working with a dietitian is a collaborative experience. Therefore, finding an RD that you are compatible with is essential. While some registered dietitians may have a more strict and "tough love" approach, others will be more gentle and nurturing during your sessions. There is no one right approach, but before hiring a dietitian, ensure that your working styles and personalities are well suited to each other.

How Top Nutrition Coaching Can Help

To get started with Top Nutrition Coaching, all you need to do is fill out a short online questionnaire. This 3-minute quiz will ask you basic questions about your medical history and health goals. After completing this survey, Top Nutrition Coaching’s team will match you with a compatible RDN who specializes in your desired area of health and wellness.
An image of Top Nutrition Coaching nutritionist, Nicolette
Hi! I'm Nicolette, Registered Dietitian & Nutrition Director
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How to find a registered dietitian nutritionist near me

It can be overwhelming, scrolling through the web and aimlessly scanning through search results for a registered dietitian near you. Nowadays, online services like Top Nutrition Coaching make it easy to work with a nutritionist.

Top Nutrition Coaching thoroughly vets all of its nutritionists and ensures that each one of its clients is matched with the most well-suited nutritionist in its vast network. The best part is, you never even have to leave your home to receive nutrition counseling and advice.
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