Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesWorking with Taylor has helped change my approach to nutrition. She assisted me in developing simple measurable goals such as shifting the time I eat which has made some impact on my ability to fall asleep. I have also been able to make progress in decreasing simple carbs by pairing carbs with protein and/or high fiber (vegetables/fruit) which is helpful in managing my evening cravings. What has also been extremely helpful is that Taylor provides additional resources such as documentaries and podcasts that helps to give context to the information we discuss.
Taylor has given me lots of tips on how to manage my health. We are not just focusing on weight loss but on a healthier life style overall and how to incorporate healthy choices into my already busy routines. She is always positive!
I've only been meeting with Taylor for a month, but I can already see a difference in the way I view food and my body. It's much easier for me to approach healthy eating and mindfulness from a positive perspective, seeing it as something that my body deserves, not as punishment.