Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesEstelle has been incredible for me. Admittedly I was a little concerned and hesitant about working with a dietician but she has been awesome! She pushes me but also is incredibly realistic with things. This has been one of the top things I could have done for my health and Estelle is the reason why. She is always joyful and a pleasure to work with. She has helped me with necessary adjustments and with continuing to stay on top of it each day and week. I am more knowledgeable and in much better shape because of her!
I started with Estelle weighing in at 186 lbs in march. She laid out the program to follow though video chats and worksheets. Over all I lost 35 lbs by august while maintaining my muscle mass. I couldn't be more happy with my results do to her guidance. Any questions I had she followed up right away. She is still helping me maintain my current weight with new food recipes and suggestions.
Extremely supportive and always available to answer questions and give insight. I feel I've learned a lot about my relationship with food through her guidance.