Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesWhen working toward your health goals, you must work with the right type of professional to find lasting success. The best professional for you will depend on your goals, your lifestyle, and whether you have any preexisting conditions or not.
When working toward your health goals, you must work with the right type of professional to find lasting success. The best professional for you will depend on your goals, your lifestyle, and whether you have any preexisting conditions or not.
Achieved sustainable weight loss with a 12 month commitment
Reduced frequency and severity of binges
Had improved energy and mobility
Had improved energy and mobility
If you are still unsure of whether a nutritionist can help you reach your health goals, consider these benefits of working with a nutritionist instead of going at it alone.
Reaching your health goals in Chicago isn’t easy, especially if you’re working on your own, without a nutritionist to help you make a change in your health habits. There are several ways that Chicago makes it difficult for people to change their health habits for the better.
Because of the food deserts and lack of access to nutritious foods, many Chicago residents have to turn to convenience stores to provide healthier options for food. An inability to get to a supermarket means that people will likely eat less nutrient-dense food and instead settle for less nutritious foods. Supermarkets provide access to a large number of different items, including healthier options of foods than can be found at convenience stores, like premade meals, healthier snacks, or fresh produce.
Roads and bridges in Illinois have been given the title of the worst in the country. This state serves as a large transportation hub in the United States, and the decline in the condition of roads and bridges is a testament to that. Some people may have access to one grocery store that meets all their nutritional needs, and some people may need to travel over a large area to get all they need. The crumbling bridges and roads don’t make it easy when it comes to getting access to nutritious foods.