Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesI've had an ED for over 40 years and was in despair. I've been in therapy for years, spent a stint in a rehab center, taken various types of medication and etc.
It wasn't until I was matched with Karin that--after all these years--I began to see my ED differently, see myself differently, see my future differently.
Karin--with her frank, often funny, deeply informative, totally unshaming method--has changed my life for the better in ways that I can hardly believe.
I have begun to learn not to fear food. I've begun to understand why I developed this ED. I have begun to notice when it is that my ED is triggered and slowly, how to gain the upper hand. She taught me about restriction--which isn't something I ever thought I practiced but which was, in fact, one of the roots of my problem. She taught me how to look at this ED; now, I am able to say that I am not my ED. This wasn't possible for me pre-Karin.
Without hyperbole, I feel that it's safe to say that I owe Karin my life, and certainly my future.
Karin has a huge heart for what she does for not only me, but I know she gives that same love and attention to every client she has. She has a wealth of knowledge, care, and kindness that allows me to believe in myself again. I feel so incredibly grateful for her and the service she provides for me!
I cannot believe the progress I've been able to make over the last 6 months, and it begins and ends with working with Karin. This journey is just beginning, however I have experienced so much relief being able to live my life without being fully consumed about my eating habits and my weight.