Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesI cannot eat anything with gluten, eggs, peanuts, hazelnuts, or dairy. I have been underweight, and having various digestive symptoms and fatigue. My mom found this company online and I was then introduced to Danielle Smith and it changed my life! She is EXCELLENT. She coaches me through difficulties I have. She is a great listener and encourages my well-being. She always sends me recipes and a review of our sessions so I can reference them later. And the best part is she is always checking in on me and making sure I�m feeling well. After working with her for 2 months, I have gained weight (which was the goal), drink 60oz of water a day (which before I drank up to 15oz), feel energized, and am so happy. Thank you so much for all the guidance!
My goals are to reduce bloating, gas, and intestinal discomfort, and to gain weight. My gastric discomfort improved drastically after Danielle helped me figure out I needed to cut dairy. However, that resulted in a drop in my weight, so I wasn�t too focused on the number on the scale as much as I just wanted to feel good.
Danielle has literally changed and saved my life. She has been the biggest blessing one could ever ask for! I have never felt better, never felt so good, and never LOVED FOOD so much! Danielle has also assisted me in finding other issues outside of nutrition, helping me ask the right questions with my primary doctor to find the root cause of my symptoms. I would recommend Danielle to absolutely everyone who will even listen. She is so informative, so patient, and so incredibly kind. She never makes you feel judged, even when I say I�ve cheated on my diet� she listens to your frustrations and sympathizes with you, and genuinely tries to help you. If you need nutrition assistance, 10000% I would recommend Danielle.