Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesWe only allow specialists into our network with a track record of producing lasting results from weight loss, physical performance with sports nutrition coaching, and recovery from eating disorders to managing diabetes. We will work with you to find the right expert for you so you can achieve lasting success in your goals.
We only allow specialists into our network with a track record of producing lasting results from weight loss, physical performance with sports nutrition coaching, and recovery from eating disorders to managing diabetes. We will work with you to find the right expert for you so you can achieve lasting success in your goals.
Achieved sustainable weight loss with a 12 month commitment
Reduced frequency and severity of binges
Had improved energy and mobility
Had improved energy and mobility
Working with a nutritionist can benefit you in numerous ways. Nutrition is more than merely counting calories; it's a complex science specific to you. Here are a few ways working with a registered dietitian can holistically help you.
In many ways, Denver, CO, is a great place to live. In terms of health and wellness, it has some excellent fields and hiking trails for getting exercise, health-conscious eateries, and a variety of new food sources, including farmer's markets. However, it's undeniable that Denver, CO has a problem with its environmental quality. According to the state's website, Denver, CO, ranks as the seventh worst city in the US regarding air quality and pollution levels.
The problem with low air quality in Denver, CO, can affect residents' health and wellness journeys. Pollution can harm gut bacteria and contribute to diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Recent studies have linked air pollution to changes in the human gut microbiome, which could fuel diabetes, obesity, and inflammatory bowel diseases like colitis and Crohn's disease.
Denver, CO, is a busy city where fast food outlets, food trucks, and delivery services seem to be everywhere. In addition to the unhealthiness of the food, the ordering models used by fast-food restaurants and food delivery apps make it incredibly easy to order more menu items than you need. Since Denver, CO, already faces a problem with poverty, it's easier for people to grab a burger for $2 than spend $50 on healthy foods at the grocery store.