Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesI'm working on cholesterol reduction without medication, weight loss, and mental health. I've maintained weight loss, have seen a reduction in cholesterol and my mental health has stabilized due to diet and exercise recommendations.
As a teacher I work long hours and don't often have time to think about or prioritize my meals each week. I was finding I was often sluggish headed into the classroom and my lectures ended up being less engaging. Susan Sheehy transformed me. Her nutritional advice helped me prepare for my busy day and also get deeper insight into why I was holding onto so much weight. Turns out I was not eating enough! I lost 33 lbs and I have so much more energy. It has made classrooms livelier and I feel way better during the day. Highly recommend!!
After a sports injury, I piled on 25lbs. Susan helped me lose it, teaching me to balance nutrition and exercise. She was also an amazing partner during what was an especially difficult time in my journey. She helped me eventually turn a setback into a comeback! I am extremely grateful for everything she did and for the partnership during that time.