Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesDealing with my health issues has made me feel isolated and always anxious. From our very first session, Shelby took the time to understand my issues, and it has been transformative. I feel so much better... I have my energy back and have lost 23lbs! I couldn't be more grateful for her expertise and genuine care.
My life changed. Before meeting Shelby, I was really at my wit's end. Digestive discomfort was becoming part of my daily routine, and no one could pinpoint what was wrong. As a woman, I felt my concerns were brushed off and overlooked. Shelby not only listened to me but also devised a plan that worked just for me. It's been 5 months, and my life has truly changed. I can eat, travel, and enjoy my life without constant worry. Every woman who feels unheard or overwhelmed by gut issues needs Shelby on their side!