Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesI've had an ED for over 40 years and was in despair. I've been in therapy for years, spent a stint in a rehab center, taken various types of medication and etc.
It wasn't until I was matched with Karin that--after all these years--I began to see my ED differently, see myself differently, see my future differently.
Karin--with her frank, often funny, deeply informative, totally unshaming method--has changed my life for the better in ways that I can hardly believe.
I have begun to learn not to fear food. I've begun to understand why I developed this ED. I have begun to notice when it is that my ED is triggered and slowly, how to gain the upper hand. She taught me about restriction--which isn't something I ever thought I practiced but which was, in fact, one of the roots of my problem. She taught me how to look at this ED; now, I am able to say that I am not my ED. This wasn't possible for me pre-Karin.
Without hyperbole, I feel that it's safe to say that I owe Karin my life, and certainly my future.
I cannot believe the progress I've been able to make over the last 6 months, and it begins and ends with working with Karin. This journey is just beginning, however I have experienced so much relief being able to live my life without being fully consumed about my eating habits and my weight.
Karin is one of the most authentic and engaged nutrition professionals I have had the honor of working with. Her care is evidence-based, personalized to the client, and provides a foundation for a healthy relationship with food and your body. Karin cares about the client as a whole and her empathy shines through when she's doing nutrition therapy.