Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesWithout my fabulous coach, I would not have acquired valuable information that shaped my new eating habits. I know these habits can be maintained since I was provided so many easy-to-use tools. I appreciated the compassion and understanding that my coach showed during life's ups and downs. Energy is definitely up and more importantly, awareness and focus was raised during our time together.
Colette was wonderful to work with. She's very knowledgeable, looked into questions I had and did some research to provide me with understanding about diabetes, protein, making sure I eat enough by using macros tracking. She has helped me be less afraid of carbs and gave me ideas of options to get my protein in. With increasing my protein intake, it has helped crave less sugar and bread carbs and keep my blood sugar more stable, and if it does spike, it comes down quicker. Weight has come down a couple pounds to maintaining, and A1C has come down some more, both of which were part of my goals.
Really helpful. I was looking to learn basic information about eating better and sport nutrition. Colette helped me with both of those goals