Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesI came to Amy after trying to lose weight for many years. No one investigated and looked for the root cause. Amy takes a holistic approach and looks beyond the typical calorie counting. Amy digs deep to understand what is going on. I recommend future clients start with an open mind and have patience. Taking a holistic approach takes time but you will end up a healthier person because of it.
I had my first bout of very painful diverticulitis in November 2023. The GI doctor prescribed strong antibiotics and told me it was unlikely I'd ever get it again. I got it again 2 months later and lost a week of work. Lucky for me I found Amy! Amy guided me through healing my illness with a slow and steady re-introduction of foods with increasing fiber content, and recommended supplements which helped my symptoms subside. Since then, with Amy's guidance, I've been able to re-introduce all foods with no new GI symptoms. I feel great and I learned a lot! I would not hesitate to recommend Amy's services to anyone with GI issues or if you just want to feel better. Thank you, Amy!